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Coccinella – Italian mothers and toddlers group at La Dante
ItalianCoccinella – Italian mothers and toddlers group at La DanteLa Dante is launching a new playgroup on January 15th 2013 for mothers, fathers and grandparents who wish to raise their toddlers bilingually. We invite the Italian…

La Società Dante Alighieri e l’EUNIC
ItalianLa Società Dante Alighieri è entrata a far parte dell’EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture), associazione che riunisce circa 30 Istituzioni europee. L’EUNIC ha come scopo principale quello di promuovere la diversità culturale…

Radio Dante and the Fitzwilliam Museum
English, Italian, SpanishSpecial programme with the Fitzwilliam Museum Radio Dante presents: Italian Art at the Fitzwilliam Museum
Radio programmes on Sat 1-2pm on
One hour programme held in Italian and in English24th November: Italian paintings…