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CLIL: Entrevista a los formadores de docentes de La Dante
SpanishMary Spratt y Helen Baker han llevado a cabo nuestro curso CLIL de dos semanas para un grupo de profesores de secundaria de Zaragoza, enseñaron una gran variedad de disciplinas, desde educación física hasta música y arte. Los hemos entrevistado después del final del curso.

CLIL: Interviewing La Dante's teacher trainers
English, Italian, SpanishMary Spratt and Helen Baker have run our two weeks’ CLIL course for a group of secondary teachers from Zaragoza, who taught a variety of disciplines from PE to Music and Art. We’ve interviewed them after the end of the course.

CLIL: practical tips for teachers
English, Italian, SpanishIs there a recipe for CLIL? Much has been written on what CLIL is and why to do it but there is very little practical guidance on how to plan and teach CLIL lessons.

Spanish for children: Learning through games and songs
SpanishOur children are fully immersed in the Spanish language for the whole duration of the class, having a fun with other children of their age.

The mayor George Pippas unveiled a commemoration plaque for the 10th anniversary of La Dante in Cambridge
English, Italian, SpanishThe event marked the significant contribution the European Cultural Centre La Dante in Cambridge has had in the community promoting and disseminating language learning and culture

La Dante in Cambridge celebrates its 10th anniversary on February 24th and on April 24th
English, Italian, SpanishThe European Cultural Centre La Dante in Cambridge, a not-for-profit cultural association recognised by Dante Alighieri Society in Rome (Italy), is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.