Supporting the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and Thorpe Hall Hospice

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BBC-Radio-CambsLa Dante is proud to support BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, who are organising an auction to raise money for the county’s hospice Thorpe Hall. The hospice has been BBC Radio Cambridgeshire’s chosen charity partner this year, as they are raising funds for a new building to help people in their final weeks and days be cared for in the best way possible.

On December 7th this year, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire are having an On-Air Auction – the station will auction off donated items or experiences to our listeners and encourage them to bid as much as possible to raise funds! La Dante is proud to donate a Summer Cappuccino intensive course in Italian worth £180 to the highest bidder.

Partnership with the University of Padua, Erasmus Programme

Discover another language and culture … be inspired!

Partnership with the Department of Italian, Cambridge University

We have established a great partnership with the Department of Italian at Cambridge University who are happy to share their knowledge and expertise of Italian language and culture through our bilingual programmes at Radio Dante Cambridge.

We have a range of interesting interviews among which the one talking about Pirandello with Julie Dashwood who will delight us about the great writer and playwriter on April 10th.

The Department of Italian is very active in providing the best tuition and seminars about Italian culture, we are proud to promote Professor Robin Kirkpatrick’s seminars on Dante and it’s creative projects looking at Dante through art, drama, photography and dance.

Partnership with the University of Padua, Erasmus Programme

We have started an internship programme for newly graduated Italian students who come to La Dante for a six-month training programme in marketing, administration, PR and media, and cultural events organisation. Students enjoy an Erasmus scholarship and go to training courses financed by La Dante during their volunteer period.

We also have a Study and Career Programme for English for University students who wish to acquire the best skills for entering work during or after their degree. We teach interview skills, how to write a CV and letters of presentations, work ethics in the UK, ethos and networking skills. Students also go to real networks thanks to the relationship we have with our partner organisations offering real opportunities to meet people that count in their field whether it’s research or business.

Contact us or call 01223 315191

Parkside Federation and St Mary’s Cambridge

La Dante works in partnership with Parkside Federation and St Mary’s School to make the school a centre of excellence for teaching and learning Italian, with the aim of being a model to others both in Cambridge and elsewhere.

We organise cultural events and workshops, projects for teachers and students in the school and with partners outside the school. We also co-ordinate partnership activities, such as Italian musical workshops and evening performances, cookery workshops and film screenings.

Parkside Federation

Working with our Partner School

  • We work proactively to make Italian an inspiring subject to teach and to learn, and to create an international perspective through links with Italy throughout the curriculum.
  • We support and give advice on language courses in Italy.
  • We promote and set up cross-curricular initiatives for Cambridge schools and their feeder schools
    • Hosting cultural events for a wide audience of pupils and teachers
    • Helping to further the teaching of Italian in feeder primary schools through mutual visits and shared projects
    • Giving advice on trips to Italy for pupils, teachers and heads of languages
    • Taking part in school projects in Cambridge which help to further Italian language and culture

Contact us or call 01223 315191

Radio Dante and bilingual families blog

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bilingual-familiesPer le famiglie bilingui con un interesse linguistico in questo ramo La Dante ha creato un blog e’ pieno di articoli, referenze, consigli e aiuto per genitori e figli, per una crescita armonica che promuova il bilinguismo a Cambridge.

Abbiamo anche una collaborazione con Cambridge Bilingual Network (Universita’ di Cambridge) e Bilingualism Matters (Universita’ di Edinburgo).

Unique language tandem opportunity at La Dante

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Famiglie bilingui

tandem-opportunity-la-dante-cambridgeWe always thrive to be a bridge between Italian and English cultures and this June we have a unique and wonderful opportunity at La Dante:
A European language tandem cooking session where Italian children from a primary school in Chieti in Abruzzo (Italy) is having a cultural exchange with children from La Dante who are learning Italian.

La Dante is an oasis of culture where the two cultures: the British and the Italian meet.

Primary school children from Istituto Comprensivo Chieti, aged 9/10 are coming to learn English and with the English children coming to learn Italian we’ll have cooking sessions, sing, make fairy cakes with Italian flags and coluored marzipan. Singing and miming in English and Italian.
It’s a unique chance for them to have fun, learn and experience a new culture in the heart of Cambridge.
La Dante’s aim is to facilitate cultural exchanges in Britain.

Dates 18/6/2013 venue: La Dante in Cambridge 4.30-6.30pm

Partnership with the Department of Italian, Cambridge University

Luigi-Pirandello2-231x300We have established a great partnership with the Department of Italian at Cambridge University who are happy to share their knowledge and expertise of Italian language and culture through our bilingual programmes at Radio Dante Cambridge. We have a range of interesting interviews among which the one talking about Pirandello with Julie Dashwood who will delight
us about the great writer and playwriter on April 10th.

The Department of Italian is very active in providing the best tuition and seminars about Italian
culture, we are proud to promote Professor Robin Kirkpatrick’s seminars on Dante and it’s creative
projects looking at Dante through art, drama, photography and dance.

Radio Dante Cambridge programmes 


Pinocchio alla Dante: Cambridge Italian Bilingual Group

La Dante supports the learning of Italian for bilingual children living in Cambridge. We would like to give our children a new opportunity starting a new Pinocchio: Cambridge Italian Bilingual Group

which will consolidate their Italian and their understanding of our culture through a programme based on Italian literature, history, geography and Italian traditions. The methodology is novel and fun to attract the children’s attention and parents will be actively involved in their educational development.  We’ll meet each Saturday for 12 weeks for a session of 3 hours and the children will have reading time and creative projects that will illustrate at the end of term. Italian through drama will be part of the projects to promote creativity and expressivity in their own language.

Bilingualism is a great gift we give our children and at La Dante there are expert Italian teachers who teach Italian grammar as well as our culture with flair and enthusiasm. Children will be inspired to get involved in workshops and will be able to achieve PLIDA qualifications with recognised diplomas up to bilingual C2 level.

La Dante is a qualified and recognised Examination Centre for PLIDA  linked with La Società‘ Dante Alighieri in Roma.

Pinocchio: Cambridge Italian Bilingual Group at La Dante for bilinguals starts in the Spring 2013.

Scholarships are also available from La Dante Alighieri Society in Rome for students who wish to reach A level standard.  

La Dante supports Cambridge Bilingual Network and Bilingual Matters.

Find out more:

Coccinella – Italian mothers and toddlers group at La Dante

Coccinella – Italian mothers and toddlers group at La Dante

La Dante is launching a new playgroup on January 15th 2013  for mothers, fathers and grandparents who wish to raise their toddlers bilingually. We invite the Italian community to come along on Tuesdays at 2pm to join a small group of children and parents singing along and playing together in Italian. La Dante continues to serve the Italian community giving them an opportunity and a place to meet at The Lodge, in our new beautiful premises. The learning environment is ideal as the children are exposed to natural Italian, borrow books and dvds, speak Italian with other children and get used to our language and culture the natural way. In the summer we have our bilingual families picnic in the green area with Italian food and cakes at weekends.

Activities with the toddlers vary from readings from Rodari to creative activities, miming, storytelling, listening to stories and encouraging singing nursery songs.

We encourage toddlers to make up puppets and play in a safe and lovely surrounding.  This is also a wonderful opportunity for the community based in Cambridge to get to know each other.

 Coccinella – Italian Mothers and Toddlers group

        8 weeks in 2014 from the 21st January to 18th March, 2-3pm 

       Venue: La Dante in Cambridge


La Società Dante Alighieri e l’EUNIC

La Società Dante Alighieri è entrata a far parte dell’EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture), associazione che riunisce circa 30 Istituzioni europee. L’EUNIC ha come scopo principale quello di promuovere la diversità culturale e la comunicazione tra le società europee, oltre che cooperare con i Paesi al di fuori dell’Unione Europea. L’EUNIC si pone, inoltre, come interlocutore privilegiato per la Commissione Europea nella definizione della politica culturale dell’Unione.

L’entrata della “Dante” in EUNIC consente a tutti i Comitati Dante Alighieri di entrare a far parte o di costituire “Cluster” locali, ossia gruppi che riuniscono le rappresentanze locali di istituzioni culturali europee analoghe alla Società Dante Alighieri (British Council, Goethe Institut, Institut Français, Instituto Camões, ecc.). Grazie a questi contatti, i Comitati potranno organizzare iniziative congiunte dedicate alle lingue e alle culture europee e partecipare a progetti comuni. Per maggiori informazioni sulla natura dell’Associazione e per conoscere la lista dei Cluster già esistenti.

La invitiamo a consultare il sito:

Sono lieto di annunciarle, inoltre, che la Società Dante Alighieri organizzerà prossimamente a Roma un Convegno dedicato alla promozione linguistica e culturale in Europa.

Radio Dante and the Fitzwilliam Museum

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Special programme with the Fitzwilliam Museum Radio Dante presents: Italian Art at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Radio programmes on Sat 1-2pm on
One hour programme held in Italian and in English

24th November: Italian paintings – Titian, Veronese and Palma il Giovane
19 January: Italian sculpture – Renaissance Bronzes in Italy and Upper Marlay
16th February 2013: Italian ceramics forcusing on maiolica
16th March 2013: Italian arms and armour –
27th April 2013: Roman Antiquities – focusing on objects that relate to family life in Ancient Rome in the Roman Gallery

Interviewing: Dr Charlotte Avery, Keeper in Applied Arts
David Scrase (Keeper of Paintings, Drawings and Prints and co-Acting Director)
Mrs Sue Rhodes (Development Officer, Development Office)
Mrs Tao-Tao Chang (International Development)
Lucilla Burn (Keeper of Antiquities)

This is a great opportunity for La Dante to link with the prestigious Fitzwilliam Museum and highlight the beautiful and world reknown treasures from ancient Rome up to Titian and wonderful Modigliani.
Find out more: Fitzwilliam Museum and Radio Dante Cambridge

La Dante and Cambridge Early Music Society


La Dante in Cambridge in partnership with Cambridge Early Music is proud to promote the Festival of Italian Music, 28-30 September 2012
Cambridge Early Music is promoting a weekend of concerts and other events showcasing the music of Italy from the 15th to the 18th century. Concerts include music by Monteverdi, Gabrieli, Corelli and Vivaldi, as well as other masters. Some of Europe’s foremost musicians will be performing in beautiful and historic Cambridge venues.
Details will be available in July from, tel 01223 847330